Want to learn more about how eviction reports pulled from TransUnion work? Check out our summary below!
Only eviction cases that resulted in a final action will return.
Eviction records older than 7 years cannot be reported or used in screening decisions. As a result, TURSS will not return any eviction record that is more than 7 years old.
NY Rule: To ensure the data provided complies with New York state law, TURSS will not return any eviction data for customers in the state of New York.
DC Rule: To ensure the data provided complies with DC state law an eviction record will not be returned if the earliest date in the case is over 3 years old.
Miami-Dade, FL: To continue to receive Miami-Dade, FL eviction records, customers must attest and demonstrate they can comply with two-phased screening in Miami-Dade. RentRedi has completed phased screening requirements for Miami-Dade FL, and you will receive eviction data from this jurisdiction.