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How to Send a Notification to Tenants

Notify all tenants, an entire property, a unit, or a single tenant, renter notifications, tenant notifications, send notifications

Ryan Barone avatar
Written by Ryan Barone
Updated over a week ago

You can send in-app notifications to tenants by unit, a whole property, or to all tenants at once!

Follow the instructions below! 👇

  1. On your RentRedi dashboard, click the "+" icon on the notifications tab

  2. Select how you’d like the tenant to receive the notification (via phone, email, or both)

  3. Select which tenant should receive the notification ("All Properties" sends to all tenants; "Property" sends to all tenants in a single property; "Unit" sends to tenants of a single unit)

  4. Fill out the notification message (type of message, title of notification, and the main message) for phone/email/both

  5. Click “Send” and done! 🎉

Rent Charge Notifications

Note: Tenants do not get notified when you create charges, so you can finish setting up everything you'd like before notifying them. This way, if you create charges for the whole lease or are setting up several charges, they don't get a whole bunch of notifications at once. If you would like to let them know new charges are there when you're done setting them up, you can follow the instructions above to let them know!

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