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Landlord Help: Tenants
Find helpful articles on how to connect/invite/link tenants, setting up tenants, linking tenants, removing tenants, notifying tenants, lease, document upload
Letter to Tenants (Switching to RentRedi)explaining RentRedi to tenants, inviting tenants to RentRedi, switching from Cozy to RentRedi
Letter to Tenants Explaining RentRediexplaining RentRedi to tenants, inviting tenants to RentRedi
RentRedi Renter Perksperks for tenants, discounts for tenants, tenant discount, renter discount
Getting a Tenant – WorkflowWorkflow from Prequalification to Application to Screening to Signing to Tenant - Getting a Tenant Flow
See How The Tenant App Workstenant side, how does tenant app work, what renters see, tenant onboarding videos, renter app
How to Edit a Tenant CardEdit, modify, change, or update a tenant card / tenant's details / tenant's information / update tenant info
"View Another Profile For this Person"tenant card, multiple tenant cards,
How to See if Tenant has Purchased Renters Insurancerenters insurance, check if tenant has insurance, mark tenant as insured
Tenant App Previewwhat the tenant app looks like, RentRedi tenant app preview, guide to tenant app
Landlord Paid Credit BoostingLandlords can enable Credit Boosting for tenants to report rent payments to TransUnion and Experian
How to add notes for a tenantadd tenant notes, tenant-related notes, tenant notes
Tenant Web Portal: Prequalify, Apply, Screeningonline application, online form, prequalification online, application form
How to Resend a Tenant InviteMy tenant is not seeing their invite, how to let my tenant see an invite
How to Add a TenantHow to add tenants, invite tenants, link tenants, connect tenants
Check if a Tenant is Connected to Your Unithow to resend a tenant invite, how to check if a tenant is connected to RentRedi
Check "Declined Invite" Status for Tenantstenant decline invite, resend connection invite to renter
Add an Applicant as a TenantLink prospect / person / applicant to unit as a current tenant, after accepting application / lease signing, change unit for tenant
Update Connected Tenant's Email Addressold tenant email linked, can't change, tenant new email, update renters email
Change a Tenant's UnitChange unit for tenant, wrong unit, switch unit, update unit, for accepted tenant
How to Link Prior Tenantre-link tenant, add former tenant
Link Multiple Tenants to a Unitlink more than one applicant to a unit, single unit, link multiple applicants to one unit
How a Tenant Pays Rent with Multiple Unitstenant pay rent for multiple units, tenant with two units
Tenant Web Paymentsonline payments, pay rent online, web portal for tenants, renter pay online
How to Give a Tenant a Creditgive tenants credit, monthly credit, give renters credit, offer a credit, how to do discounted rent, discount rent,
Tenant Wants to See Payment Record(For tenants) View a record of payment / receipt of payment / payment history, invoice for tenants
Tenant Auto-Pay Failedreset auto-pay, auto-pay for tenant failed, re-enable auto-pay, auto-payment fail, what to do if autopay fails, tenant autopay help,
Tenant Payment Error Code 204error code, 204, payment error, tenants can't pay, 204 payment error, 204 issue, error 204, 204 error, can't pay rent, tenant error code
Can I Customize the Tenant Invite Email?Customize the tenant invite email, change renter invitation email, edit email invite to tenants
Automatic Rent RemindersSet scheduled rent reminders to be sent to tenants at specific cadences as rent comes due or past due. Sent as emails & in-app notifications
Skip Sending Invite to Tenantskip rentredi invite, not send invite to renter
How to Send a Notification to TenantsNotify all tenants, an entire property, a unit, or a single tenant, renter notifications, tenant notifications, send notifications
How to View Sent Notifications (Landlords)view notifications sent to tenants, how to see list of notifications, see previous notifications sent to renters
Text to Connect: A New Way To Invite Tenants to RentReditext invite link to tenant, how to text invite tenants
Tenant Didn't Receive the Invite to ConnectTenant not receiving invite to connect, not receiving email to connect, link to unit, troubleshooting, no invite, tenant can't connect
How to Send Notifications to All TenantsEmail all tenants, send push notifications to all tenants, send notices or updates to all tenants
How to Customize Tenant Notification Messages for Push vs. Emailpush notifications, email notifications, custom notifications to tenants, send message to renters
Invite Tenant to Set Up AutoPaysend notification to tenant about auto-pay, request auto-pay, notify tenants about automatically scheduling payments
In-app Two Way Chatchat with tenants, send message to tenants, two way chat, chat messenger
How to Unlink Tenant from a UnitUnlink Tenant / Remove a tenant from a property
How to Delete a TenantPermanently delete a pre-qualification, application, or current tenant card, previous tenant card
How to Obtain Tenant Information for Evictioneviction, SSN, tenant personal information, 3 day notice, 5 day, state laws, legal resources, rental agreements, social security number
How to Archive a Tenantarchive tenant, unlink tenant, restore archived tenant, hide tenant,