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Landlord Help: Rent (Charges, Fees, Payments)
Find helpful articles related to setting up and rent charges, late fees, partial/block rent payments, recording rent paid, creating/viewing/deleting rent charges or payments.
How long to process and receive rent payments?rent collection, receive rent payments, transfer payments, deposit funds, payment processing, receive money, bank account,
Will new tenants see an old tenant's unpaid charges?unpaid charges, new tenant, old tenant
Payments: FAQsprocessing time, how to view the pending payment, how to view deposits
Creating Charges for Roommatesmultiple tenants, charges, roommates, shared charges, shared rent, partial payments, renters, couples, shared unit, multi-tenant unit,
Bank Response Codes for Paymentsresponse codes, bank, ACH, credit card, debit, transaction, index, R00, R01, R02, R03, R04, R11, R13, R07, declined, returned, rejected
View Overdue Chargesoverdue, late charges, who has paid, rent payment, sort, filter, payment, utilities
How to Refund a Tenant via StripeRefund a tenant, Stripe, tenant refund,
Accept Stripe Terms and ConditionsStripe, payment processor, terms and conditions, payment processing, faster funding
Fix Account Now- Stripe Payment Account Changes Neededstripe, payment accounts, fix account now, deposits, funds, payment processing, underwriting, payouts,
Try rent collection for free on RentRedi
How long to correct a Stripe 1099-K?fix 1099-K, correct 1099-K, Stripe, tax documents, correction, update, taxes
How to Void a Payment in Stripevoid tenant payment, reverse payment, reverse rent payment, refund payment, stripe
Processing Fees for Rent Paymentsprocessing fee for card, processing fee for rent, who pays process fee
Let Tenants Pay Rent with a Link on Your Websiteonline payments, pay rent online, web portal for tenants, renter pay online, embed tenant payment link on site
Pay the $1 ACH Fee For Your TenantsHow to pay ACH-fee, how to take over ACH fee, ACH fee for landlords
Setting ACH Only for Tenant PaymentsYou can prevent or block credit and debit card payments and allow tenants to ONLY pay directly from their bank accounts via ACH.
Set Up Auto-Late FeesSet up the late fees, automatically add late fees when rent is unpaid
Block Payments from TenantBlock all payments or block partial payments during eviction
Securely Upload Underwriting Documentsupload deed, upload underwriting documents, submit documents, submit underwriting document, submit deed, upload property manager agreements
Set Late Fee as Separate Charge from Renttwo charges for late fee and rent, how to create late fee separate from rent
Fix Tenant Paying Rent, But Not Late Feescombine late fee and rent, make late fee and rent one charge, one charge for late fee and rent, add late fee until rent is paid
Create a ChargeAdd charge, add rent, create rent, create charge, utilities, late fees, bills, maintenance fees, parking fees, HOA fees, overlapping charges
Create Charge for Security Depositsecurity deposit charge, how to charge for security deposit
Create Charge Visible to Individual Tenantscharges for one tenant, hide charges from other renters
Creating Charges for Month-to-Month Leasesmonth-to-month lease, month-to-month tenant, month-to-month renter, m2m lease, m2m renter, m2m tenant, monthly lease renewal
Create Charges for Past Due Datescreate past charges, add retroactive charges, previously paid charges
Update a Charge for Rent Forgivenessrent forgive, update charge for new amount, discount on rent
Set Up Prorated Rent for a Tenantprorate rent, prorated payments, prorated charge
How to Automatically Collect for Utilitiesbilling tenants for utilities, recurring charges for utilities
Understanding Charge ActionsCharge actions allow landlords and property manager to send reminders to tenants, receive payments outside of RentRedi, or modify charges.
Editing a ChargeThe due date for any specific charge can be modified at any time by editing the charge details.
How Tenants Can Schedule Recurring Rent RemindersTenants Schedule Recurring Reminders for themselves
Create Singular or One-Off Chargecreate one charge, make singular charge, utilities charge, bill charge, how to make one-off charge
Create Automatic Rent Increasesrent increase, create rent increase charge, add rent increase
How to Create Section 8 Chargessection 8, HUD, charges, external payment, manual entry, Housing and Urban Development, rent subsidy
Create charges for Moving-in Tenantsmoving in charges, move in charges, create lease charges for moving in, moving in tenant
How to Add a Payment ReceivedAdd Payment Received, record a payment, cash, check, money order, Section 8 Voucher, payment outside of RentRedi, pay with check, not online
How to Add Section 8 PaymentsAdd Payment Received, record a payment, cash, money order, Section 8, voucher, payment outside of RentRedi, housing authority, HUD, benefits
How to Record Multiple Months Paid (outside of RentRedi) by TenantRecord payment, rent paid, outside RentRedi, rent check, cash, partial rent payment, paid with check, check, paid outside, paid external
Rent Charges & Time Zonescharges showing as due different from tenants, lease dates one day behind, change in lease dates, time of rent changes
Overpayment / Underpayment on Charges- Manual Entryoverpaid rent, underpaid rent, overpayment, underpayment, Add Payment, Manual Entry, overage,
Edit Payment Made for Wrong Monthhow to edit charge details, wrong rent paid, renter paid for future month, tenant paid wrong month
Check if Tenant is Connected to Chargerenter connected to charge, connect charges to tenant, view charges for tenant
Troubleshooting: Auto-Pay Not Running for a Tenantautopay help, autopay didn't run for tenants, autopay renters,
Does Changing Rent Amount Affect Tenant's Auto-Pay?change charge for auto-pay. update rent auto-payment
Authorized Payments on Behalf of Tenanteft authorization, make online payments, make authorized payments for tenants
ACH Returns 101ACH Returns are the digital equivalent of a bounced check. RentRedi helps landlords and property managers document these and collect payment
Contest a Credit Card ChargebackTenant payments made via credit card can later be disputed and have chargebacks issued, these disputes must be contested in a timely manner.
Clawbacks Due to ACH ReturnsACH clawbacks due to failed payment may result in funds being deducted from future deposits or withdrawn from the connected deposit account.
Clawbacks Due to Tenant Initiated DisputeACH clawbacks due to disputed transactions can be result in funds being withheld or withdrawn from the connected deposit account.
Manually Document a Returned PaymentIn rare cases RentRedi is not able to update a tenant's charge when a payment fails. These steps allow tenants to resubmit payment.
ACH Return FAQCommon questions about timelines and availability of funds. ACH returns are rare but understandably frustrating.
Disputing a Chargebackchargeback, dispute chargeback, chargeback dispute, tenant chargeback to dispute
Other Fraud - Card Absent Environmentchargeback, dispute chargeback, fraud tenant charge, tenant payment reported as fraud
Refund Posted Against Your Merchant Accounta refund has been posted against your Rentredi merchant account, negative payment, rejected, failed, unsuccessful, NSF, insufficient funds,
Deposit Tracking!individual deposits, batched deposits, separate deposits, track money, track transfers, track deposits
How to View TransactionsHow to View Transactions, see deposits
How to View a Paymentfind payment record, rent payments, payment details, receipt of payment, payment history, access past payments by unit or renter
How to View Charges for a UnitView charges, charge details, charge history, access past payments by unit or renter
Find Individual Payments in a Depositfind who paid deposits, deposits, find transactions, see payments in deposits
Can I Get Separate Transfers for Deposits?separate deposits, individual deposits, deposit tracking
How to Get a Tenant Ledgertenant ledger, ledger for tenants, running balance, receipt, pdf, charges,
How to View Charges for a TenantView charges, charge details, charge history, access past payments by unit or renter, history of tenant's payments
How to Navigate to Depositsfind deposit, batched payment, batched deposit, lumped depost, track deposit, navigate deposit, locate deposit, locate payment, find payment
How to Delete a ChargeDelete a Charge / Remove a Charge / Delete Late Fee Charge
Delete Duplicate Chargesremove duplicate rent charges, remove duplicate lease charges, delete overlapping charges, extra, double, late rent notifications, emails,
How to Refund a Tenant via PropayRefund Tenant, Void Transactions, Propay,
How to Delete All Future ChargesDelete all future charges, delete future recurring charges
How to Delete a PaymentDelete a Payment / Remove a payment
How To Void a Payment in Propayvoid tenant payment, reverse payment, reverse rent payment, refund payment, propay
Report of Security Depositsexport security deposits, print security deposits, security deposit report
How to Get Corrected Names on Your 1099Kupdate names 1099k
Remove / Show only Convenience Fees from Reportsremove convenience fees from reports, filter out convenience fees, hide convenience fees
RentRedi vs Quickbooks for ACH Payments
How to Manage Accounting with RentRediSimplify accounting for rent payments using REI Hub, rental property accounting software
How to Export PaymentsExport Payments / rent payments to Spreadsheets or Quickbooks / View All Past Payments, Monthly Reports
Exporting Invoices and Payments to Quickbooks OnlineHow to Export your Tenant Charges and Your Tenant's Payments to Quickbooks Online
How should landlords update their SSN/ IEN number on their 1099-K?update social security for 1099-K, update IEN for 1099-K
EIN and SSN Requirements for Payment Accountspayment accounts, payment processing, EIN, SSN, tax ID, Stripe, verification, Terms and Conditions